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John Saunders


BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Tournament: 51st British Chess Championship • 49/176 games plus 5 part-games, plus 40 games from other sections
Venue: West County Modern School, Whitby • Dates: 17-28 August 1964 • Download PGN • Last Edited: Saturday 24 August, 2024 3:21 PM

1964 British Chess Championship, Whitby, 17-28 August 1963« »1965

1964 British Chess
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Michael John Haygarth Leeds ♦ 1/13 ◊ ½/3 ♦ 1/6 ◊ ½/20 ♦ 1/4 ♦ 1/5 ◊ 1/10 ◊ 1/2 ♦ ½/11 ◊ 1/12 ♦ ½/7 9
2 Owen Mark Hindle Norwich ♦ 1/24 ◊ ½/6 ♦ ½/3 ◊ ½/12 ♦ 1/19 ◊ 1/11 ◊ ½/4 ♦ 0/1 ◊ ½/7 ♦ ½/13 ◊ 1/5 7
3 Bernard Cafferty Smethwick ◊ 1/26 ♦ ½/1 ◊ ½/2 ♦ ½/10 ◊ 1/22 ♦ ½/4 ◊ ½/8 ♦ ½/7 ◊ ½/5 ♦ 1/11 ♦ ½/6 7
4 Norman Littlewood Sheffield ♦ 1/14 ◊ 1/30 ♦ 1/5 ♦ 1/8 ◊ 0/1 ◊ ½/3 ♦ ½/2 ◊ ½/11 ♦ 0/6 ♦ ½/7 ◊ 1/10 7
5 Harry Golombek Chalfont St Giles ♦ 1/32 ◊ 1/19 ◊ 0/4 ♦ 1/26 ♦ 1/20 ◊ 0/1 ◊ ½/7 ♦ 1/10 ♦ ½/3 ◊ 1/6 ♦ 0/2 7
6 John Eric Littlewood Skegness ◊ 1/29 ♦ ½/2 ◊ 0/1 ♦ ½/17 ◊ ½/9 ♦ ½/15 ◊ 1/21 ♦ 1/8 ◊ 1/4 ♦ 0/5 ◊ ½/3
7 Jonathan Penrose London ♦ 0/30 ◊ 1/14 ♦ ½/27 ◊ 1/23 ♦ ½/11 ◊ 1/18 ♦ ½/5 ◊ ½/3 ♦ ½/2 ◊ ½/4 ◊ ½/1
8 Peter Hugh Clarke Woodford Green ♦ ½/20 ◊ 1/32 ♦ 1/12 ◊ 0/4 ♦ ½/18 ◊ 1/21 ♦ ½/3 ◊ 0/6 ♦ ½/15 ◊ ½/9 ◊ 1/17
9 Ronald A Fuller Ilford ◊ ½/21 ♦ ½/17 ◊ 0/10 ◊ 1/24 ♦ ½/6 ◊ ½/19 ♦ 0/11 ◊ 1/16 ♦ 1/27 ♦ ½/8 ◊ 1/13
10 John L Seppings York ♦ ½/11 ◊ ½/23 ♦ 1/9 ◊ ½/3 ♦ 1/13 ◊ 1/20 ♦ 0/1 ◊ 0/5 ♦ ½/17 ◊ 1/14 ♦ 0/4 6
11 Jeffrey Ansell Cheltenham ◊ ½/10 ♦ ½/18 ◊ 1/28 ♦ 1/21 ◊ ½/7 ♦ 0/2 ◊ 1/9 ♦ ½/4 ◊ ½/1 ◊ 0/3 ♦ ½/15 6
12 Thomas John Beach Liverpool ◊ 1/28 ♦ ½/22 ◊ 0/8 ♦ ½/2 ◊ ½/17 ♦ 1/30 ◊ ½/13 ◊ 1/20 ♦ ½/14 ♦ 0/1 ◊ ½/16 6
13 David Parr London ◊ 0/1 ♦ ½/28 ♦ 1/31 ◊ 1/27 ◊ 0/10 ♦ 1/22 ♦ ½/12 ◊ ½/17 ♦ 1/20 ◊ ½/2 ♦ 0/9 6
14 Graham Chesters Crewe ◊ 0/4 ♦ 0/7 ◊ 1/29 ♦ 1/25 ◊ ½/15 ♦ ½/17 ◊ ½/18 ♦ 1/26 ◊ ½/12 ♦ 0/10 ◊ 1/21 6
15 Frank Parr London ♦ 1/31 ◊ 0/20 ♦ 0/19 ◊ 1/16 ♦ ½/14 ◊ ½/6 ♦ ½/26 ♦ 1/18 ◊ ½/8 ♦ ½/17 ◊ ½/11 6
16 David Brine Pritchard Milford ◊ 0/22 ♦ 1/29 ◊ 0/18 ♦ 0/15 ◊ ½/27 ◊ 1/32 ♦ 1/30 ♦ 0/9 ◊ 1/23 ♦ 1/26 ♦ ½/12 6
17 W Arthur Winser Hastings ♦ ½/27 ◊ ½/9 ♦ ½/30 ◊ ½/6 ♦ ½/12 ◊ ½/14 ♦ 1/19 ♦ ½/13 ◊ ½/10 ◊ ½/15 ♦ 0/8
18 Malcolm Firth Chadderton ♦ ½/23 ◊ ½/11 ♦ 1/16 ◊ ½/19 ◊ ½/8 ♦ 0/7 ♦ ½/14 ◊ 0/15 ♦ ½/21 ◊ 1/20 ♦ ½/24
19 Dr. Stefan Fazekas Buckhurst Hill ◊ 1/25 ♦ 0/5 ◊ 1/15 ♦ ½/18 ◊ 0/2 ♦ ½/9 ◊ 0/17 ♦ ½/21 ◊ ½/26 ♦ 1/28 ◊ ½/23
20 James Edward Scholes Sheffield ◊ ½/8 ♦ 1/15 ◊ 1/22 ♦ ½/1 ◊ 0/5 ♦ 0/10 ◊ 1/24 ♦ 0/12 ◊ 0/13 ♦ 0/18 ◊ 1/28 5
21 Ronald A Harris Croydon ♦ ½/9 ◊ ½/27 ♦ 1/23 ◊ 0/11 ◊ 1/26 ♦ 0/8 ♦ 0/6 ◊ ½/19 ◊ ½/18 ♦ 1/22 ♦ 0/14 5
22 David G Levens East Leake ♦ 1/16 ◊ ½/12 ♦ 0/20 ◊ 1/30 ♦ 0/3 ◊ 0/13 ♦ ½/23 ◊ ½/27 ♦ ½/25 ◊ 0/21 ♦ 1/31 5
23 Andrew Rowland B Thomas Tiverton ◊ ½/18 ♦ ½/10 ◊ 0/21 ♦ 0/7 ◊ 0/24 ♦ 1/25 ◊ ½/22 ♦ 1/32 ♦ 0/16 ◊ 1/31 ♦ ½/19 5
24 Michael John Basman Claygate ◊ 0/2 ♦ 1/25 ◊ 0/26 ♦ 0/9 ♦ 1/23 ◊ ½/29 ♦ 0/20 ◊ 1/31 ◊ 0/28 ♦ 1/32 ◊ ½/18 5
25 Alexander Munroe Davie Dundee ♦ 0/19 ◊ 0/24 ♦ ½/32 ◊ 0/14 ♦ ½/31 ◊ 0/23 ◊ ½/28 ♦ 1/29 ◊ ½/22 ♦ 1/27 ◊ 1/30 5
26 Peter Coast Cheltenham ♦ 0/3 ◊ 1/31 ♦ 1/24 ◊ 0/5 ♦ 0/21 ♦ 1/27 ◊ ½/15 ◊ 0/14 ♦ ½/19 ◊ 0/16 ♦ ½/29
27 Gerald Abrahams Liverpool ◊ ½/17 ♦ ½/21 ◊ ½/7 ♦ 0/13 ♦ ½/16 ◊ 0/26 ◊ 1/29 ♦ ½/22 ◊ 0/9 ◊ 0/25 ♦ 1/32
28 John A Johnstone Glasgow ♦ 0/12 ◊ ½/13 ♦ 0/11 ◊ 0/32 ♦ 0/29 ◊ 1/31 ♦ ½/25 ◊ ½/30 ♦ 1/24 ◊ 0/19 ♦ 0/20
29 Joseph M Soesan Cobham ♦ 0/6 ◊ 0/16 ♦ 0/14 ◊ ½/31 ◊ 1/28 ♦ ½/24 ♦ 0/27 ◊ 0/25 ♦ 0/32 ♦ 1/30 ◊ ½/26
30 Hugh D Holmes Glasgow ◊ 1/7 ♦ 0/4 ◊ ½/17 ♦ 0/22 ♦ 1/32 ◊ 0/12 ◊ 0/16 ♦ ½/28 ♦ 0/31 ◊ 0/29 ♦ 0/25 3
31 Otto Henry Hardy Loughborough ◊ 0/15 ♦ 0/26 ◊ 0/13 ♦ ½/29 ◊ ½/25 ♦ 0/28 ◊ 1/32 ♦ 0/24 ◊ 1/30 ♦ 0/23 ◊ 0/22 3
32 Christopher R Orchard Eastbourne ◊ 0/5 ♦ 0/8 ◊ ½/25 ♦ 1/28 ◊ 0/30 ♦ 0/16 ♦ 0/31 ◊ 0/23 ◊ 1/29 ◊ 0/24 ◊ 0/27

RESULTS IN OTHER TOURNAMENTS [main sources BCM, October 1964, pps 295-297 & 1964/65 BCF Yearbook]

The title also changed hands in the British Ladies’ Championship. With the strongest field for some years, this tournament produced an exciting finish. Captain Sunnucks snatched victory from Mrs. Pritchard by beating her in a fluctuating last-round game, whereupon Miss Tranmer, who could still tie, missed her chance against the holder, Mrs. Bruce, and was forced to agree to a draw when left with just two Bishops versus one!

1964 British Ladies Chess Championship, Whitby 1963« »1965

1964 British Ladies Chess Championship Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14  Total 
1 (Patricia) Anne Sunnucks London
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 ½ 1 1 10½
2 Elaine Pritchard Milford 0
½ ½ 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 10
3 Eileen Betsy Tranmer London 0 ½
½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1d 1 10
4 Rowena Mary Bruce Plymouth 0 ½ ½
½ 1 0 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1d 1
5 Mary Araluen Elizabeth Anne Henniker-Heaton London 0 0 0 ½
½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 1d 1 8
6 Sheila A Corbyn Birmingham 0 0 ½ 0 ½
1 0 ½ 1 1 1 1d 1
7 Nancy C Elder Dundee 1 0 ½ 1 ½ 0
0 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 ½
8 Gillian A Moore Southampton 0 0 0 ½ 0 1 1
1 0 ½ 1 1 1 7
9 Cicely Mary Murphy Manchester 0 1 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ 0
1 1 1 ½ ½
10 Mrs E Ingram1 Whitchurch 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 1 0
½ 1 1d 1 5
11 Margaret Eleanor Lander Gillingham 1 0 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 ½
½ 1d 1 5
12 Leah Margaret Hogarth Glasgow ½ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½
0 1 2
13 Olive Richards2 Cobham 0 0 0d 0d 0d 0d 0 0 ½ 0d 0d 1
½ 2
14 Sarah Margaret (Peggy) Steedman Bothwell 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 0 ½

1 BCM gives 'Miss'; BCF Yearbook gives 'Mrs' which is correct. Born in Vienna, according to the Shropshire chess website. From some genealogical researches, I think she may have been Anneliese Degenhardt (1921-2011), marrying George A Ingram in Wellington, Shropshire, in 1951. Not sure what the 'E' stands for - perhaps she changed her forename to something more British when she married.
2 Olive Richards (later Olive Chataway) withdrew after 7 rounds.

1964 BCF Major Open, Whitby

1964 BCF Major Open Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 David Lees Bury 1/17 1/7 ½/8 1/10 ½/2 ½/4 1/14 1/11 1/5 ½/3 ½/6
2 John A Lawrence Birmingham ½/14 1/27 1/18 1/8 ½/1 ½/3 1/4 ½/15 1/11 ½/10 ½/5 8
3 Leo J Kerkhoff Netherlands 1/10 1/23 1/5 1/24 ½/4 ½/2 0/11 0/8 1/15 ½/1 1/12
4 Harry Lamb Bolton ½/19 1/33 1/34 1/14 ½/3 ½/1 0/2 0/7 1/13 1/11 1/10
5 Christopher B Wood Sutton Coldfield 1/35 1/32 0/3 1/13 ½/7 ½/12 1/20 1/14 0/1 1/8 ½/2
6 Percy Baldwin Cook London ½/18 1/31 ½/19 0/7 ½/10 0/20 1/26 1/30 1/34 1/15 ½/1 7
7 R Klugman Bickley 1/13 0/1 1/38 1/6 ½/5 ½/8 0/15 1/4 ½/12 ½/21 1/24 7
8 Ronald Thomas London 1/38 1/15 ½/1 0/2 1/24 ½/7 1/12 1/3 0/10 0/5 1/14 7
9 Graham Chesters snr Crewe ½/34 1/20 0/24 0/11 1/18 ½/23 1/35 ½/19 0/14 1/17 1/21
10 (Derek) George Ellison Bolton 0/3 1/25 1/32 0/2 ½/6 1/26 ½/17 1/23 1/8 ½/2 0/4
11 S J Ridout Sevenoaks 1/bye ½/24 0/14 1/9 1/21 1/29 1/3 0/1 0/2 0/4 1/20
12 David W Anderton Wolverhampton 0/15 ½/28 1/37 1/30 1/23 ½/5 0/8 1/17 ½/7 ½/14 0/3 6
13 James R Boyce Bristol 0/7 1/39 1/15 0/5 ½/26 ½/19 ½/30 1/24 0/4 ½/18 1/27 6
14 Jan M Greben Netherlands ½/2 1/21 1/11 0/4 1/16 1/17 0/1 0/5 1/9 ½/12 0/8 6
15 Peter G Moore Heald Green ½/12 0/8 0/13 1/32 1/35 1/27 1/7 ½/2 0/3 0/6 ½/19 6
16 A Cockcroft Lincoln ½/20 ½/26 ½/30 1/34 0/14 ½/24 0/19 ½/33 ½/22 1/31 ½/18
17 Philip E Collier Leicester 0/1 ½/30 1/33 1/18 1/19 0/14 ½/10 0/12 ½/24 0/9 1/32
18 Charles Ambrose Scott Damant Hastings ½/6 1/22 0/2 0/17 0/9 1/39 0/32 1/35 1/29 ½/13 ½/16
19 Hendrik Jacob Van den Herik Netherlands ½/4 1/36 ½/6 ½/23 0/17 ½/13 1/16 ½/9 ½/21 0/27 ½/15
20 Conrad Kiers Netherlands ½/16 0/9 0/36 1/22 1/28 1/6 0/5 0/21 1/31 1/32 0/12
21 Harry Gethin Thorp Matchett Bexhill ½/33 0/14 1/39 1/27 0/11 1/34 0/24 1/20 ½/19 ½/7 0/9
22 James R Nicolson Manchester ½/30 0/18 0/27 0/20 1/bye ½/33 ½/37 1/26 ½/16 ½/23 1/34
23 Geoffrey Irving Rhodes Ponteland 1/28 0/3 1/26 ½/19 0/12 ½/9 1/29 0/10 0/27 ½/22 1/30
24 S Wilkinson Doncaster 1/39 ½/11 1/9 0/3 0/8 ½/16 1/21 0/13 ½/17 1/34 0/7
25 Leslie R Kirkcaldy Wallasey 0/26 0/10 1/bye 0/35 0/32 ½/28 ½/38 ½/37 1/39 ½/33 1/36 5
26 Robert Love Lamming Douglas IOM 1/25 ½/20 0/23 ½/36 ½/13 0/10 0/6 0/22 1/bye ½/38 1/35 5
27 Enno P Noordhoff Netherlands ½/29 0/2 1/22 0/21 1/30 0/15 ½/31 1/28 1/23 0/19 0/13 5
28 Robert P Ross Hull 0/23 ½/12 0/29 1/31 0/20 ½/25 1/39 0/27 ½/30 ½/37 1/38 5
29 G R Evans Newbury ½/27 0/34 1/28 ½/38 1/36 0/11 0/23 0/31 0/18 ½/39 1/bye
30 Joseph Andrew Flood Exeter ½/22 ½/17 ½/16 0/12 0/27 1/38 ½/13 0/6 ½/28 1/36 0/23
31 D Gibson Peterlee ½/36 0/6 ½/35 0/28 1/37 ½/32 ½/27 1/29 0/20 0/16 ½/33
32 B Howard Blackpool 1/37 0/5 0/10 0/15 1/25 ½/31 1/18 0/34 1/33 0/20 0/17
33 Dr P D Ralph London ½/21 0/4 0/17 ½/37 ½/39 ½/22 1/bye ½/16 0/32 ½/25 ½/31
34 Ernst Roscam Abbing Netherlands ½/9 1/29 0/4 0/16 1/38 0/21 1/26 1/32 0/6 0/24 0/22
35 Charles Reuben Gurnhill Sheffield 0/5 ½/37 ½/31 1/25 0/15 1/36 0/9 0/18 0/38 1/bye 0/26 4
36 S Lambert Solihull ½/31 0/19 1/20 ½/26 0/29 0/35 0/34 1/bye 1/37 0/30 0/25 4
37 Colin M Malcolm Glasgow 0/32 ½/35 0/12 ½/33 0/31 1/bye ½/22 ½/25 0/36 ½/28 ½/39 4
38 John H Manners Sutton 0/8 1/bye 0/7 ½/29 0/34 0/30 ½/25 ½/39 1/35 ½/26 0/28 4
39 W A van Veen Netherlands 0/24 0/13 0/21 1/bye ½/33 0/18 0/28 ½/38 0/25 ½/29 ½/37 3

1964 British Under-21 Chess Championship, Whitby

1964 British Under-21 Chess Championship Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Christopher F Woodcock Hoylake 1/20 1/14 1/2 ½/13 0/6 1/4 ½/5 1/8 1/12 ½/3 1/9
2 Richard A Beach Leeds 1/25 1/26 0/1 0/31 ½/11 1/24 1/18 1/4 1/6 ½/5 1/8 8
3 Andrew J Whiteley Oxford 1/29 ½/5 1/23 0/6 ½/13 1/16 0/8 1/21 1/4 ½/1 1/12
4 Barry N Green Altrincham 1/30 1/16 ½/13 ½/9 1/31 0/1 1/12 0/2 0/3 1/7 1/6 7
5 William R Hartston Enfield 1/12 ½/3 ½/15 1/14 ½/9 1/31 ½/1 1/6 0/8 ½/2 ½/13 7
6 Michael A Stevenson Wolverhampton ½/31 1/28 1/21 1/3 1/1 1/12 1/13 0/5 0/2 ½/8 0/4 7
7 Michael J Conroy Burnley 0/13 ½/11 1/28 ½/21 1/14 ½/18 ½/9 ½/15 1/20 0/4 1/19
8 Alan Templeton Ludgate High Wycombe 0/9 0/17 1/30 1/29 1/23 1/15 1/3 0/1 1/5 ½/6 0/2
9 Graham Arthur Winbow Wolverhampton 1/8 ½/21 1/18 ½/4 ½/5 0/13 ½/7 ½/11 1/22 1/10 0/1
10 Anthony James Booth Manchester 1/11 0/13 0/16 0/20 1/30 1/29 0/21 1/17 1/18 0/9 1/22 6
11 P R Hindley Oxford 0/10 ½/7 1/32 ½/23 ½/2 ½/22 1/31 ½/9 ½/13 0/12 1/26 6
12 Peter McKeich Jamieson Glasgow 0/5 1/30 1/22 1/19 1/16 0/6 0/4 1/13 0/1 1/11 0/3 6
13 Victor W Knox Wirral 1/7 1/10 ½/4 ½/1 ½/3 1/9 0/6 0/12 ½/11 ½/15 ½/5 6
14 Bernard Kooiman West Hartlepool 1/19 0/1 1/26 0/5 0/7 1/23 ½/16 0/22 1/24 1/18 ½/15 6
15 M H Miller Leicester ½/23 1/32 ½/5 0/16 1/19 0/8 ½/22 ½/7 1/21 ½/13 ½/14 6
16 Edward Davis Glasgow 1/24 0/4 1/10 1/15 0/2 0/3 ½/14 0/18 1/19 ½/22 ½/17
17 Raymond J Gamble Derby 0/21 1/8 0/31 0/18 ½/27 1/25 ½//24 0/10 1/28 1/20 ½/16
18 W B Wells Dorking 0/26 1/25 0/9 1/17 1/20 ½/7 0/2 1/16 0/10 0/14 1/27
19 G J Burt Edinburgh 0/14 1/20 1/24 0/12 0/15 0/21 1/30 1/27 0/16 1/25 0/7 5
20 David Michael Gostyn London 0/1 0/19 1/25 1/10 0/18 0/27 1/29 1/28 0/7 0/17 1/32 5
21 Roger Keely Wolverhampton 1/17 ½/9 0/6 ½/7 0/22 1/19 1/10 0/3 0/15 ½/27 ½/23 5
22 Derek Lamb Bolton ½/28 ½/31 0/12 ½/24 1/21 ½/11 ½/15 1/14 0/9 ½/16 0/10 5
23 H M Wilkins Northwood ½/15 1/27 0/3 ½/11 0/8 0/14 ½/25 ½/24 ½/26 1/32 ½/21 5
24 Paul E O Durrant New Malden 0/16 1/29 0/19 ½/22 1/26 0/2 ½/17 ½/23 0/14 ½/28 ½/25
25 R W Maskell Rossendale 0/2 0/18 0/20 ½/30 1/32 0/17 ½/23 1/31 1/29 0/19 ½/24
26 Roger Mylward Aldershot 1/18 0/2 0/14 ½/27 0/24 0/28 ½/32 1/30 ½/23 1/29 0/11
27 Robert Graham Taylor Cardiff ½/32 0/23 0/29 ½/26 ½/17 1/20 ½/28 0/19 1/30 ½/21 0/18
28 B Cook Somercotes ½/22 0/6 0/7 1/32 0/29 1/26 ½/27 0/20 0/17 ½/24 ½/30 4
29 Roland E Graf Leicester 0/3 0/24 1/27 0/8 1/28 0/10 0/20 1/32 0/25 0/26 1/bye 4
30 Richard J Lighton Birmingham 0/4 0/12 0/8 ½/25 0/10 1/32 0/19 0/26 0/27 1/bye ½/28 3
31 John N Walker Cowley ½/6 ½/22 1/17 1/2 0/4 0/5 0/11 0/25 withdrawn 3 / 8
32 David T Hartshorne Scarborough ½/27 0/15 0/11 0/28 0/25 0/30 ½/26 0/29 1/bye 0/23 0/20 2

1964 British Boys' Under-18 Chess Championship, Whitby

1964 British Boys' Under-18 Championship Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13  Total 
1 Brian John Denman Hove 1/44 1/46 0/19 1/23 1/26 1/4 1/17 1/2 1/21 0/3 1/12 ½/15 1/14 10½
2 Raymond Dennis Keene London 1/28 1/32 ½/26 ½/15 1/57 1/9 1/21 0/1 1/19 1/10 1/3 1/12 ½/6 10½
3 Philip Almond Blackburn 1/51 1/24 ½/25 ½/26 ½/7 1/45 1/38 ½/21 1/9 1/1 0/2 ½/10 1/15
4 Nicholas J Patterson London 1/70 ½/40 ½/42 1/55 1/44 0/1 0/9 1/28 1/26 ½/11 ½/14 1/17 1/10 9
5 Leon P Burnett Weston-super-Mare 1/66 ½/58 ½/14 0/9 1/54 1/41 1/26 ½/19 0/12 ½/13 1/38 ½/11 1/16
6 John S Rastall Sheffield 1/53 0/15 ½/46 1/62 0/17 ½/58 ½/44 1/43 1/42 ½/49 1/29 1/25 ½/2
7 Thomas Bimpson Northwich 1/36 0/57 1/12 1/8 ½/3 1/14 ½/11 0/9 0/13 ½/18 ½/34 1/41 1/32 8
8 R B Davies Birmingham 0/25 1/56 1/67 0/7 0/12 1/54 1/40 ½/41 ½/18 1/42 ½/19 ½/13 1/31 8
9 Brian Ratcliffe Eley Bolton-on-Dearne 1/52 1/23 0/13 1/5 1/45 0/2 1/4 1/7 0/3 ½/21 0/10 ½/19 1/25 8
10 Peter Charles Griffiths Birmingham ½/31 0/29 1/63 1/24 0/15 1/44 1/42 1/13 1/49 0/2 1/9 ½/3 0/4 8
11 Nigel John Kalton Bromley 1/48 0/13 1/52 ½/61 1/20 1/15 ½/7 1/17 0/14 ½/4 ½/21 ½/5 ½/12 8
12 D R Morris London ½/21 1/35 0/7 ½/29 1/8 ½/57 1/43 1/18 1/5 1/14 0/1 0/2 ½/11 8
13 Ronald William Nicholas Hove 1/50 1/11 1/9 1/57 ½/49 0/21 0/19 0/10 1/7 ½/5 ½/25 ½/8 1/23 8
14 (Paul) John Patience Southampton ½/16 1/31 ½/5 1/20 ½/18 0/7 1/45 1/15 1/11 0/12 ½/4 1/21 0/1 8
15 Brian R Smith Stockton-on-Tees 1/39 1/6 0/45 ½/2 1/10 0/11 1/37 0/14 1/60 1/19 1/17 ½/1 0/3 8
16 P Blackman Rotherham ½/14 0/47 1/27 ½/46 ½/58 1/60 ½/49 ½/57 ½/41 ½/28 1/39 1/26 0/5
17 P M George Edinburgh 0/40 1/36 1/50 1/42 1/6 1/49 0/1 0/11 1/34 1/38 0/15 0/4 ½/21
18 John Hall Barnsley 0/54 1/70 1/32 1/40 ½/14 0/19 1/22 0/12 ½/8 ½/7 0/20 1/48 1/33
19 Peter W Murphy Blackburn 1/59 1/64 1/1 ½/45 0/21 1/18 1/13 ½/5 0/2 0/15 ½/8 ½/9 ½/20
20 C Needham Leicester 1/68 0/26 1/39 0/14 0/11 0/22 1/56 ½/32 1/50 1/43 1/18 ½/31 ½/19
21 David J Strauss Loughton ½/12 1/69 1/58 1/25 1/19 1/13 0/2 ½/3 0/1 ½/9 ½/11 0/14 ½/17
22 Michael N Walsh Crewe 1/64 0/25 0/44 0/39 1/32 1/20 0/18 1/24 0/28 1/58 1/46 ½/34 1/38
23 Bruce Howard Birchall Nottingham 1/43 0/9 1/34 0/1 0/46 1/50 0/27 1/bye 0/29 1/64 1/57 1/24 0/13 7
24 George Steven Botterill Shipley 1/30 0/3 ½/48 0/10 0/28 1/52 ½/36 0/22 1/62 1/51 1/47 0/23 1/34 7
25 Stephen R Curry Pinner 1/8 1/22 ½/3 0/21 ½/37 0/26 ½/47 1/46 1/57 1/31 ½/13 0/6 0/9 7
26 Richard V M Hall Shipley 1/62 1/20 ½/2 ½/3 0/1 1/25 0/5 1/55 0/4 ½/39 1/28 0/16 ½/29 7
27 D M Howard Sheffield ½/49 0/61 0/16 1/65 1/30 ½/35 1/23 0/38 1/55 0/29 ½/48 ½/40 1/45 7
28 T D Hughes Liverpool 0/2 0/34 ½/36 1/59 1/24 1/33 ½/57 0/4 1/22 ½/16 0/26 ½/45 1/49 7
29 Richard C Lemon New Malden ½/41 1/10 0/37 ½/12 ½/42 ½/40 0/58 1/66 1/23 1/27 0/6 ½/38 ½/26 7
30 Griffith H T Parsonage Liverpool 0/24 ½/43 0/68 1/51 0/27 1/66 0/31 ½/50 1/56 ½/40 ½/42 1/60 1/46 7
31 Terence Audley K Thomson Burton ½/10 0/14 1/60 ½/68 0/39 ½/63 1/30 1/33 1/45 0/25 1/49 ½/20 0/8 7
32 B Whitehouse Oldbury 1/67 0/2 0/18 0/34 0/22 1/65 1/62 ½/20 1/44 1/33 ½/41 1/49 0/7 7
33 Peter Cartmel Liverpool 0/46 0/50 ½/41 1/36 1/52 0/28 1/54 0/31 1/37 0/32 1/55 1/39 0/18
34 B L Cartwright Wirral 0/57 1/28 0/23 1/32 0/47 1/48 1/bye 1/58 0/17 ½/41 ½/7 ½/22 0/24
35 Peter R Furnborough West Bridgford ½/42 0/12 1/59 ½/54 ½/40 ½/27 ½/46 ½/60 0/43 ½/55 1/44 ½/36 ½/41
36 P J Gregory Stoke-on-Trent 0/7 0/17 ½/28 0/33 1/bye 1/69 ½/24 ½/63 1/61 ½/48 ½/45 ½/35 ½/40
37 John G Kensit Birmingham 1/72 ½/55 1/29 0/49 ½/25 ½/43 0/15 0/48 0/33 ½/61 ½/52 1/53 1/57
38 Peter R Morriss London 0/58 0/44 1/72 1/71 1/48 1/47 0/3 1/27 1/39 0/17 0/5 ½/29 0/22
39 G L Porter Sheffield 0/15 1/72 0/20 1/22 1/31 1/46 1/55 0/49 0/38 ½/56 0/16 0/33 1/60
40 David John Sully Cardiff 1/17 ½/4 ½/55 0/18 ½/35 ½/29 0/8 ½/61 ½/63 ½/30 1/58 ½/27 ½/36
41 J W Wadkin Rugby ½/29 0/49 ½/33 1/70 1/68 0/5 1/61 ½/8 ½/16 ½/34 ½/32 0/7 ½/35
42 A F Brown Derby ½/35 1/65 ½/4 0/17 ½/29 1/53 0/10 1/44 0/6 0/8 ½/30 ½/57 ½/47 6
43 J F Brown Blackburn 0/23 ½/30 1/65 ½/52 1/53 ½/37 0/12 0/6 1/35 0/20 ½/63 ½/47 ½/48 6
44 William P Cartman Harrogate 0/1 1/38 1/22 1/64 0/4 0/10 ½/6 0/42 0/32 1/65 0/35 ½/51 1/62 6
45 Anthony M M Hurman Burnham 1/56 1/54 1/15 ½/19 0/9 0/3 0/14 1/47 0/31 ½/57 ½/36 ½/28 0/27 6
46 Derek R Markham Leeds 1/33 0/1 ½/6 ½/16 1/23 0/39 ½/35 0/25 ½/47 1/63 0/22 1/55 0/30 6
47 Geoffrey M Peake Barnsley ½/61 1/16 0/49 ½/48 1/34 0/38 ½/25 0/45 ½/46 1/60 0/24 ½/43 ½/42 6
48 M G Smith Leicester 0/11 1/51 ½/24 ½/47 0/38 0/34 1/64 1/37 ½/58 ½/36 ½/27 0/18 ½/43 6
49 John Tolan Bradford ½/27 1/41 1/47 1/37 ½/13 0/17 ½/16 1/39 0/10 ½/6 0/31 0/32 0/28 6
50 Nigel G Burne Burton-on-Trent 0/13 1/33 0/17 ½/63 0/61 0/23 1/53 ½/30 0/20 1/69 ½/51 ½/62 ½/52
51 W Cole Birmingham 0/3 0/48 0/71 0/30 ½/65 1/bye ½/52 1/69 1/bye 0/24 ½/50 ½/44 ½/58
52 Louis R Fraser Birmingham 0/9 1/66 0/11 ½/43 0/33 0/24 ½/51 ½/59 ½/54 ½/56 ½/37 1/67 ½/50
53 Roderick P Greenhalgh Bolton 0/6 1/71 ½/54 ½/58 0/53 0/42 0/50 0/56 ½/59 1/67 1/66 0/37 1/65
54 Nicholas J D Jacobs Newcastle 1/18 0/45 ½/53 ½/35 0/5 0/8 0/33 ½/64 ½/52 ½/62 ½/59 ½/61 1/69
55 Gareth Aneurin Jones Cardiff 1/60 ½/37 ½/40 0/4 1/64 1/61 0/39 0/26 0/27 ½/35 0/33 0/46 1/67
56 R G Moore Bolton 0/45 0/8 0/64 ½/67 1/bye ½/62 0/20 1/53 0/30 ½/52 ½/65 ½/59 1/63
57 David Kay Openshaw Nelson 1/34 1/7 1/61 0/13 0/2 ½/12 ½/28 ½/16 0/25 ½/45 0/23 ½/42 0/37
58 David Welch Chesterfield 1/38 ½/5 0/21 ½/53 ½/16 ½/6 1/29 0/34 ½/48 0/22 0/40 ½/63 ½/51
59 B Whittle Ashton-under-Lyne 0/19 ½/60 0/35 0/28 0/69 ½/67 ½/65 ½/52 ½/53 1/66 ½/54 ½/56 1/64
60 M Ash Loughton 0/55 ½/59 0/31 1/69 1/62 0/16 1/63 v35 0/15 0/47 1/61 0/30 0/39 5
61 D Oakes Wilmslow ½/47 1/27 0/57 ½/11 1/50 0/55 0/41 ½/40 0/36 ½/37 0/60 ½/54 ½/66 5
62 David M Starkie Nelson 0/26 ½/68 1/69 0/6 0/60 ½/56 0/32 1/67 0/24 ½/54 1/62 ½/50 0/44 5
63 P R Wood Chippenham 1/71 0/19 0/10 ½/50 1/bye ½/31 0/60 ½/36 ½/40 0/46 ½/43 ½/58 0/56 5
64 D Benjamin Darlington 0/22 1/67 1/56 0/44 0/55 0/68 0/48 ½/54 1/66 0/23 0/62 1/69 0/59
65 A Sedgwick Darlington ½/69 0/42 0/43 0/27 ½/51 0/32 ½/59 1/bye 1/67 0/44 ½/56 ½/66 0/53
66 N Spencer Chesterfield 0/5 0/52 0/70 ½/72 1/67 0/30 1/69 0/29 0/64 0/59 0/53 ½/65 ½/61
67 D G Hunter Taunton 0/32 0/64 0/8 ½/56 0/66 ½/59 1/bye 0/62 0/65 0/53 1/69 0/52 0/55 3
68 J P Simpson Seaham 0/20 ½/62 1/30 ½/31 0/41 1/64 withdrawn 3 / 6
69 Geoffrey Tyrrell Cardiff ½/65 0/21 0/62 0/62 1/59 0/36 0/66 0/51 1/bye 0/50 0/67 0/64 0/54
70 D Westmorland Wakefield 0/4 0/18 1/66 0/41 defaulted 1 / 4
71 B Brian Wakefield 0/63 0/53 1/51 0/38 defaulted 1 / 4
72 A Woodroffe Wakefield 0/37 0/39 0/38 ½/66 defaulted ½ / 4

1964 British Boys' Under-16 Chess Championship

1964 British Boys' Under-16 Championship Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  Total 
1 Leslie S Tate Amble 1/32 1/31 1/25 1/19 1/2 1/10 1/13 0/3 0/14 1/4 1/9 ½/7
2 M Smith Harrow 1/43 1/12 ½/3 1/16 0/1 1/8 1/7 ½/4 1/6 1/14 0/5 1/18 9
3 Roger de Lacy Holmes Huddersfield 1/18 1/26 ½/2 ½/10 1/24 ½/13 1/19 1/1 0/4 ½/6 1/14 ½/5
4 P Taylor Althorne 1/46 ½/5 0/17 1/39 ½/8 1/28 1/44 ½/2 1/3 0/1 1/10 1/14
5 Brian G E Gosling Cleveland 1/39 ½/4 ½/7 0/13 1/27 1/32 0/6 1/44 ½//16 1/17 1/2 ½/3 8
6 Ivan J Myall Lowestoft 0/8 1/35 1/49 1/28 1/41 0/19 1/5 ½/10 0/2 ½/3 1/13 1/12 8
7 Marcus Walsh Leeds ½/17 1/20 ½/5 ½/34 1/15 1/41 0/2 1/33 0/10 1/13 1/19 ½/1 8
8 (Joseph) Alan Woch Leeds 1/6 0/16 1/12 1/25 ½/4 0/2 0/28 ½/34 ½/41 1/20 1/17 1/19
9 Robert Buckler Nuneaton 0/19 1/47 0/32 1/38 1/29 0/14 1/41 ½/15 1/33 1/16 0/1 ½/10 7
10 (William) Vivian Davies Llanelly 1/49 ½/15 1/33 ½/3 1/16 0/1 ½/18 ½/6 1/7 ½/19 0/4 ½/9 7
11 Robert T Donkin Middlesbrough 0/44 1/48 1/14 1/17 0/19 ½/16 0/33 ½/20 ½/34 ½/15 1/31 1/28 7
12 Timothy David Harding Droitwich 1/14 0/2 0/8 1/37 0/32 1/29 ½/23 ½/24 1/39 1/44 1/28 0/6 7
13 J Molyneux London 1/30 1/27 0/19 1/5 1/18 ½/3 0/1 ½/16 1/28 0/7 0/6 1/24 7
14 Simeon Guy Scott Bradford 0/12 1/43 0/11 1/45 1/25 1/9 1/17 1/19 1/1 0/2 0/3 0/4 7
15 B Turner Althorne 1/42 ½/10 ½/24 ½/44 0/7 1/27 ½/39 ½/9 0/17 ½/11 1/30 1/23 7
16 Louis de Veauce Englefield Green 1/35 1/8 1/44 0/2 0/10 ½/11 1/24 ½/13 ½/5 0/9 ½/23 1/26 7
17 Jonathan G Enticknap London ½/7 1/23 1/4 0/11 1/34 ½/44 0/14 ½/30 1/15 0/5 0/8 1/32
18 Ivor Adrian Friedlander London 0/3 1/22 1/37 1/26 0/13 ½/24 ½/10 1/32 0/19 ½/23 1/34 0/2
19 A J Hughes Cardiff 1/9 1/28 1/13 0/1 1/11 1/6 0/3 0/14 1/18 ½/10 0/7 0/8
20 Ian G Pick Morecambe ½/37 0/7 0/39 ½/42 1/48 1/45 ½/30 ½/11 ½/25 0/8 1/44 1/34
21 M A Smith Bolton ½/23 ½/37 0/26 1/48 0/28 1/36 0/32 0/41 ½/42 1/47 1/39 1/33
22 R J Holland Liverpool 0/26 0/18 0/48 ½/47 1/bye 1/42 1/36 ½/23 ½/44 ½/41 ½/33 ½/31 6
23 Jeff Horner Bolton ½/21 0/17 1/46 0/33 ½/35 1/38 ½/12 ½/22 1/29 ½/18 ½/16 0/15 6
24 Julian Francis Thomas Kirk O'Grady Alderley Edge 1/41 ½/33 ½/15 1/30 0/3 ½/18 0/16 ½/12 1/31 0/28 1/27 0/13 6
25 K Mullard Messingham 1/29 1/38 0/1 0/8 0/14 ½/35 ½/26 ½/37 ½/20 0/31 1/40 1/41 6
26 M J Owen Lancaster 1/22 0/3 1/21 0/18 0/30 ½/31 ½/25 0/29 1/38 1/36 1/41 0/16 6
27 A C Smith Leicester 1/36 0/13 0/41 1/49 0/5 0/15 ½/43 1/42 1/37 ½/30 0/24 1/44 6
28 Melvyn Young Nottingham 1/47 0/9 1/38 0/6 1/21 0/4 1/8 1/39 0/13 1/24 0/12 0/11 6
29 C E Bailey Clevedon 0/25 1/bye 0/30 1/43 0/9 0/12 1/45 1/26 0/23 ½/39 ½/35 ½/36
30 C B Carter Oxford 0/13 1/36 1/29 0/24 1/26 0/33 ½/20 ½/17 ½/32 ½/27 0/15 ½/35
31 C G Dawkins Cardiff 1/40 0/1 0/34 ½/35 ½/36 ½/26 ½/37 1/38 0/24 1/25 0/11 ½/22
32 Anthony B Fisher Burton-on-Trent 0/1 1/40 1/9 0/41 1/12 0/5 1/21 0/18 ½/30 0/34 1/43 0/17
33 Roger Hardy Bridlington 1/45 ½/24 0/10 1/23 0/44 1/30 1/11 0/7 0/9 ½/35 ½/22 0/21
34 P McDermott Great Yarmouth 1/48 0/44 1/31 ½/7 0/17 0/39 1/35 ½/8 ½/11 1/32 0/18 0/20
35 Brian J Ranson Sunderland 0/16 0/6 1/47 ½/31 ½/23 ½/25 0/34 ½/43 1/45 ½/33 ½/29 ½/30
36 Frank J Talton Horsforth 0/27 0/30 ½/42 1/46 ½/31 0/21 0/22 1/40 1/43 0/26 1/38 ½/29
37 Kenneth Beer Scunthorpe ½/20 ½/21 0/18 0/12 ½/42 1/46 ½/31 ½/25 0/27 0/40 1/47 ½/39 5
38 Dennis Breen Bradford 1/bye 0/25 0/28 0/9 1/43 0/23 1/40 0/31 0/26 1/48 0/36 1/47 5
39 D Hedges Bristol 0/5 ½/46 1/20 0/4 1/49 1/34 ½/15 0/28 0/12 ½/29 0/21 ½/37 5
40 A Pilkington Nottingham 0/31 0/32 0/43 1/bye 0/45 1/49 0/38 0/36 1/46 1/37 0/25 1/42 5
41 Timothy Wickens Ilkley 0/24 1/45 1/27 1/32 0/6 0/7 0/9 1/21 ½/8 ½/22 0/26 0/25 5
42 T H Booth Poynton 0/15 0/49 ½/36 ½/20 ½/37 0/22 1/47 0/27 ½/21 ½/46 1/48 0/40
43 Alan David Gravett Oxford 0/2 0/14 1/40 0/29 0/38 1/48 ½/27 ½/35 0/36 1/45 0/32 ½/46
44 Allan J Nelder Weston-super-Mare 1/11 1/34 0/16 ½/15 1/33 ½/17 0/4 0/5 ½/22 0/12 0/20 0/27
45 Valentine J E Rideout Clevedon 0/33 0/41 1/bye 0/14 1/40 0/20 0/29 1/49 0/35 0/43 ½/46 1/48
46 J Rees Cardiff 0/4 ½/39 0/23 0/36 1/47 0/37 0/48 1/bye 0/40 ½/42 ½/45 ½/43 4
47 Michael J Kitching West Bank 0/28 0/9 0/35 ½/22 0/46 1/bye 0/42 1/48 1/49 0/21 0/37 0/38
48 J Walsh Warrington 0/34 0/11 1/22 0/21 0/20 0/43 1/46 0/47 1/bye 0/38 0/42 0/45 3
49 D M Bliss Whitby 0/10 1/42 0/6 0/27 0/49 0/40 1/bye 0/45 0/47 defaulted 2 / 9
50 W Kelsey Sheffield withdrew after 2 rounds acc. BCM but not mentioned elsewhere 0 / 2

1964 British Boys' Under-14 Chess Championship

1964 British Boys' Under-14 Championship Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Timothy J Gluckman Bramhall 1/30 1/19 1/7 ½/4 1/3 1/6 0/2 ½/5 1/17 1/13 0/8 8
2 Martin Roy Myant Chalfont St Peter 1/9 ½/22 ½/5 ½/13 1/24 1/4 1/1 0/3 ½/7 1/6 1/15 8
3 Malcolm L Dann London 1/18 1/16 ½/4 1/6 0/1 0/15 1/22 1/2 ½/5 1/19 ½/7
4 Terance William Hart1 London 1/11 1/17 ½/3 ½/1 1/5 0/2 1/8 1/19 0/6 ½/7 1/14
5 Andrew M Walker Huddersfield 1/27 ½/8 ½/2 1/7 0/4 1/25 1/15 ½/1 ½/3 1/17 ½/6
6 Mark Howard Horton Nottingham ½/13 1/24 1/17 0/3 1/9 0/1 1/12 1/14 1/4 0/2 ½/5 7
7 Richard G Eales Guiden Sutton 1/14 1/20 0/1 0/5 0/17 1/10 1/16 1/8 ½/2 ½/4 ½/3
8 Paul A Hutchinson Brigg 1/31 ½/5 ½/13 ½/22 ½/25 1/14 0/4 0/7 ½/12 1/21 1/1
9 A Forster Tolworth 0/2 1/30 1/18 ½/15 0/6 1/24 ½/17 ½/22 0/19 1/25 ½/10 6
10 Peter Karmaz Bolton ½/24 ½/21 0/22 ½/11 1/27 0/7 1/25 ½/12 ½/15 1/28 ½/9 6
11 K Peters South Ockendon 0/4 0/18 1/bye ½/10 ½/29 0/26 1/20 ½/16 1/30 ½/12 1/27 6
12 John G Worby Croydon ½/21 0/25 1/26 1/23 ½/22 ½/13 0/6 ½/10 ½/8 ½/11 1/19 6
13 Terence B Bennett Hemel Hempstead ½/6 1/29 ½/8 ½/2 ½/15 ½/12 0/19 1/24 ½/25 0/1 ½/17
14 C L Foster Bolton 0/7 1/31 ½/25 ½/21 1/16 0/8 1/30 0/6 ½/26 1/18 0/4
15 G Merriman Romford ½/22 ½/23 1/19 ½/9 ½/13 1/3 0/5 0/17 ½/10 1/26 0/2
16 Duncan Brian Walter Ouseley Purley 1/bye 0/3 ½/21 ½/19 0/14 1/23 0/7 ½/11 0/28 1/31 1/22
17 Howard J Price Purley 1/25 0/4 0/6 1/30 1/7 ½/22 ½/9 1/15 0/1 0/5 ½/13
18 Maurice J Staples Bognor Regis 0/3 1/11 0/9 ½/27 ½/23 ½/21 1/28 0/25 1/24 0/14 1/30
19 B Taylor Huddersfield 1/28 0/1 0/15 ½/16 1/31 1/20 1/13 0/4 1/9 0/3 0/12
20 Simon N Anscombe Huddersfield 1/26 0/7 ½/23 0/25 1/21 0/19 0/11 ½/29 1/31 0/27 1/bye 5
21 Stephen D Bailes Chester 12 ½/10 ½/16 ½/14 0/20 ½/18 ½/26 ½/30 1/22 0/8 ½/24 5
22 Geoffrey J Brindle Bolton ½/15 ½/2 1/10 ½/8 ½/12 ½/17 0/3 ½/9 0/21 1/29 0/16 5
23 C J Brown Mickleover ½/29 ½/15 ½/20 0/12 ½/18 0/16 1/31 0/26 1/bye ½/30 ½/26 5
24 Steven Thomas E Courtney Grays ½/10 0/6 1/29 1/28 0/2 0/9 1/27 0/13 0/18 1/bye ½/21 5
25 Paul Hershman Southend-on-Sea 0/17 1/12 ½/14 1/20 ½/8 0/5 0/10 1/18 ½/13 0/9 ½/26 5
26 G M Hughes Liverpool 0/20 ½/28 0/12 0/29 1/bye 1/11 ½/21 1/23 ½/14 0/15 ½/25 5
27 P R Lane Nottingham 0/5 1/bye 0/28 ½/18 0/10 1/31 0/24 1/bye ½/29 1/20 0/11 5
28 David Rollinson Huddersfield 0/19 ½/26 1/27 0/24 0/30 1/bye 0/18 1/31 1/16 0/10 ½/23 5
29 J Rickard Nottingham ½/23 0/13 0/24 1/26 ½/11 0/30 1/bye ½/20 ½/27 0/22 ½/31
30 J Dawson Calverton 0/1 0/9 1/31 0/17 1/28 1/29 0/14 ½/21 0/11 ½/23 0/18 4
31 R M Wilkinson Doncaster 0/8 0/14 0/30 1/bye 0/19 0/27 0/23 0/28 0/20 0/16 ½/29
32 R Kelsey Sheffield withdrew after 2 rounds acc. BCM but not mentioned elsewhere 0 / 2

1 note the unusual spelling "Terance" (not a typo)

1964 British Girls' Under-18 Championship

1964 British Girls Championship Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6  Total 
1 Dinah M Dobson (now Norman) Northwood
1 1 1 1 1 5
2 Marcia Syme (later Morgan) Liverpool 0
½ 1 1 1
3 Dorothy P Vincent Wirral 0 ½
½ 1 1 3
4 Elizabeth Harman Bristol 0 0 ½
1 0
5 Catherine Clarke Wallasey 0 0 0 0
1 1
6 Heather Tapper (later Williams) Shirehampton 0 0 0 1 0

1964 BCF First Class

1964 BCF First Class Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Ronald A Doney Durham 1/23 1/13 0/2 1/25 1/20 1/9 1/15 1/18 ½/6 1/11 0/3
2 Alan Edgar Nield St Leonards 1/36 1/7 1/1 0/11 0/18 ½/30 1/10 1/13 1/3 1/6 1/8
3 Alan George Sayers Sunderland ½/16 1/14 1/10 0/15 1/31 1/20 ½/6 1/11 0/2 1/18 1/1 8
4 J H Gardener Reading 0/29 1/37 0/18 ½/17 1/24 1/31 1/30 ½/9 ½/5 1/13 1/6
5 Thomas Midgley Solihull ½/21 ½/30 1/8 0/18 1/16 0/32 1/29 1/23 ½/4 1/9 1/11
6 Godfrey V Brangham Cwmbran ½/19 1/28 1/24 ½/20 1/7 1/11 ½/3 1/15 ½/1 0/2 0/4 7
7 G S Briggs Washington 1/32 0/2 1/19 1/13 0/6 1/23 0/11 0/8 1/27 ½/10 1/16
8 P Lyons Leeds ½/22 ½/19 0/5 1/35 1/28 1/14 0/18 1/7 ½/21 1/15 0/2
9 Robin Humphries Rushton Luton 1/38 0/11 1/29 ½/31 1/32 0/1 1/20 ½/4 ½/15 0/5 1/21
10 David J Strode Smethwick 1/37 1/29 0/3 0/32 1/25 ½/13 0/2 ½/27 1/35 ½/7 1/18
11 William Bainbridge Wilmslow 1/34 1/9 1/25 1/2 0/15 0/6 1/7 0/3 1/18 0/1 0/5 6
12 Michael Leslie Baumber Manchester ½/14 0/24 ½/22 0/27 0/19 ½/38 1/37 ½/25 1/33 1/32 1/26 6
13 Colin J Byrne Liverpool 1/18 0/1 1/33 0/7 1/21 ½/10 1/32 0/2 1/17 0/4 ½/15 6
14 Bryan Crowther Huddersfield ½/12 0/3 1/38 ½/30 1/33 0/8 0/23 ½/26 ½/20 1/29 1/24 6
15 Wilfred Evans Chorleywood 1/31 ½/20 1/16 1/3 1/11 ½/18 0/1 0/6 ½/9 0/8 ½/13 6
16 Alfred Milner Manchester ½/3 1/26 0/15 ½/24 0/5 ½/21 1/33 ½/35 1/28 1/23 0/7 6
17 Truman Victor Parrott Barnstaple 0/20 0/31 1/34 ½/4 ½/26 1/22 ½/27 1/32 0/13 ½/21 1/bye 6
18 B J Ellis Luton 0/13 1/23 1/4 1/5 1/2 ½/15 1/8 0/1 0/11 0/3 0/10
19 Gordon R Garrett Cwmbran ½/6 ½/8 0/7 0/29 1/12 ½/35 ½/26 ½/20 1/30 0/24 1/31
20 John Michael Ripley Liverpool 1/17 ½/15 1/21 ½/6 0/1 0/3 0/9 ½/19 ½/14 1/27 ½/22
21 Richard [Reginald] Graham Thimann Nottingham ½/5 1/22 0/20 ½/28 0/13 ½/16 1/31 1/30 ½/8 ½/17 0/9
22 Christopher C Williams Lincoln ½/8 0/21 ½/12 0/33 1/28 0/17 1/24 1/29 0/23 1/35 ½/20
23 A Archer Stoke-on-Trent 0/1 0/18 1/26 1/38 1/29 0/7 1/14 0/5 1/24 0/16   5 / 10
24 Ernest George Exell Bognor Regis ½/26 1/12 0/6 ½/16 0/4 0/27 0/22 1/36 1/34 1/19 0/14 5
25 Maurice James Hill1 Derby 1/35 1/33 0/11 0/1 0/10 0/29 0/34 ½/12 1/38 1/37 ½/28 5
26 Stanley Denham Jacobs Newcastle ½/24 0/16 0/28 ½/36 ½/17 1/34 ½/19 ½/14 ½/32 1/30 0/17 5
27 W D Johnson Keswick 0/33 0/35 1/37 1/12 0/30 1/24 ½/17 ½/10 0/7 0/21 1/36 5
28 Rev. Kenneth Stuart Procter Northampton ½/30 0/6 1/36 ½/21 0/8 ½/33 0/35 1/31 0/16 1/34 ½/25 5
29 H J Thomas Liverpool 1/4 0/10 0/9 1/19 0/23 1/35 0/5 0/22 1/36 0/14 1/37 5
30 A F Crooks Nottingham ½/28 ½/5 ½/32 ½/14 1/27 ½/2 0/4 0/21 0/19 0/26 1/38
31 Norman J Davies Merthyr Tydfil 0/15 1/17 1/35 ½/9 0/3 0/4 0/21 0/28 1/37 1/36 0/19
32 Ian P Eustis Bath 0/7 1/36 ½/20 1/10 0/9 1/5 0/13 0/17 ½/26 0/12 ½/33
33 R Williams Doncaster 1/27 0/25 0/13 1/22 0/14 ½/28 0/16 ½/34 0/12 1/38 ½/32
34 J A Edwards Selkirk 0/11 0/38 0/17 ½/37 1/36 0/26 1/25 ½/33 0/24 0/28 1/35 4
35 C Hatch Southport 0/25 1/27 0/31 0/8 1/37 ½/19 1/28 ½/16 0/10 0/22 0/34 4
36 Rev. Henry Middleton Blackett Nottingham 0/2 0/32 0/23 ½/26 0/34 ½/37 1/38 0/24 0/29 0/31 0/27 2
37 A L Buckland Swansea 0/10 0/4 0/27 ½/34 0/35 ½/36 0/12 1/38 0/31 0/25 0/29 2
38 J W Daniels Liverpool 0/9 1/34 0/14 0/23 0/22 ½/12 0/36 0/37 0/25 0/33 0/30

1 Maurice Hill is co-founder of The Chess Player (Nottingham-based publishing company) with Tony Gillam.

1964 BCF Second Class

1964 BCF Second Class Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  Total 
1 M J McCabe London
1 0 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
2 C[yril?] M Read Scawby 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
3 Henry Michael James Stapley Uxbridge 1 0
½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
4 Ronald Canter Sunderland 0 1 ½
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
5 Stephen Welbourne Scarborough ½ 0 ½ 1
1 0 1 0 0 1 1 6
6 C R Frost Norwich ½ 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1
7 Gregory Owen John Melitus London 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 4
8 Miss Jean Pickles Preston 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 4
9 George Alexander Mills (Alec) Boswell Liverpool 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 ½
10 R W Duke Whitby 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
1 ½
11 A[lexander?] Terrett Norwich 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
1 3
12 Miss Hilary Cunningham Liverpool 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ½ ½ 0

1964 BCF Special Five-day First Week

1964 BCF Special Five-day First Week Residence 1 2 3 4 5  Total 
1 Victor John Anthony Russ Harrogate 1/6 1/7 ½/3 1/4 1/2
2 Bernard Bowers Partridge Glasgow ½/4 1/8 1/7 1/3 0/1
3 Hugh Ernest Gemmell Cheltenham 1/11 1/12 ½/1 0/2 ½/6 3
4 R J de Vrij Netherlands ½/2 1/5 ½/6 0/1 1/9 3
5 Laurence J Wheatley Birmingham ½/8 0/4 1/12 ½/9 1/10 3
6 B Wood Coventry 0/1 1/10 ½/4 1/12 ½/3 3
7 T A Blacker York 1/10 0/1 0/2 1/11 ½/8
8 Rev J Caldwell York ½/5 0/2 ½/9 1/10 ½/7
9 C E Jones Altrincham 0/12 1/11 ½/8 ½/5 0/4 2
10 G Burnett Worcester 0/7 0/6 1/11 0/8 0/5 1
11 P R Rawcliffe Leeds 0/3 0/9 0/10 0/7 1/12 1
12 T E Smith   1/9 0/3 0/5 0/6 0/11 1

1964 BCF Special Five-day Second Week

1964 BCF Special Five-day Second Week Residence 1 2 3 4 5  Total 
1 James W Thornley Chadderton 1/5 1/19 1/2 1/3 1/7 5
2 Kenneth Henry Appleby Leeds 1/13 1/10 0/1 1/5 1/6 4
3 D Crook Leyburn 1/11 1/7 1/6 0/1 ½/9
4 A W B Taylor Sheffield 1/16 1/12 0/5 ½/9 1/11
5 William A Bryden Glasgow 0/1 1/15 1/4 0/2 1/19 3
6 R N Harrison Leyburn 1/9 1/8 0/3 1/13 0/2 3
7 R Julian York 1/18 0/3 1/19 1/10 0/1 3
8 C B Russell Glasgow 1/14 0/6 0/10 1/17 1/13 3
9 Thomas Felix Sayer Leyburn 0/6 1/18 1/14 ½/4 ½/3 3
10 R J de Vrij Netherlands 1/17 0/2 1/8 0/7 1/14 3
11 Rev. J Caldwell York 0/3 ½/17 1/15 1/19 0/4
12 G Burnett Worcester 1/bye 0/4 0/13 0/14 1/17 2
13 Miss P Garland Brighton 0/2 1/bye 1/12 0/6 0/8 2
14 R Kelsey Sheffield 0/8 1/16 0/9 1/14 0/10 2
15 J Walker Leyburn 0/19 0/5 0/11 1/18 1/bye 2
16 A A Cameron Leyburn 0/4 0/14 0/17 1/bye ½/18
17 G Clarke Leyburn 0/10 ½/11 1/16 0/8 0/12
18 W Kelsey Sheffield 0/7 0/9 1/bye 0/15 ½/16
19 Miss Daphne Garland Brighton 1/15 0/1 0/7 0/11 0/5 1

[BCF Yearbook of Chess 1964/65, pages 66-68]


The Congress was held in the West County Modern School, Whitby, from August 17th-29th, 1964, and once again Whitby attracted more entries than any previous Congress of the Federation, totalling in all 365, of whom twelve withdrew before the commencement. In addition three players took part in both the one-week events.

V. J. Soanes, President of the Federation, was in the Chair at the Opening Ceremony, and Coun. H. B. Cummings, J.P., welcomed the players in a brief and pleasant manner saying how much the Whitby Council and inhabitants were delighted to stage the Championships for the second time in three years, and he then declared the Congress open.

The venue proved to be extremely good and there was sufficient space to allow the large number of players plenty of playing room. An admirable Analysis Room was far enough away from the playing rooms so as to cause no possible interruption to those engaged in the tournaments, whilst the Press Room and Controllers Office were probably the best that has ever been provided. The Catering Service was excellent, adjacent to the Main Hall, and had a staff of pleasant and efficient workers in charge.

Headed by Dr. F. B. Akeroyd, for whom no praise could be too high in his organisation of all the necessary local arrangements, an ample supply of Stewards were provided who all proved of excellent standard. Whilst it would seem to be invidious to mention names in view of the general high standard it is felt that one must report on the grand work done by Mr. F. M. Akeroyd (on the Wall Charts), F. Hodgson, D. Calvert and A. Kennedy (as Recorders) and Mr. Revelly (who acted mainly in the preparation of each room, did a vast variety of jobs, took charge of helping the other stewards, and finally was at all times willing to allow us the use of his car). The excellent work done by the stewards enabled the Controllers’ duties to run smoothly.

The Control Team proved to be the best I have had the privilege of heading. All three of my colleagues worked a fantastic number of hours, and even more important they worked together in close harmony. Little more can be said to add to previous reports on the ability of Andrew Smith, who as always was in the thick of the work. With the return of W. Ritson Morry we had a most capable and willing member, and to these two individuals fell most of the work involved in the Swiss pairings. Only on rare occasions was I called upon to assist and this made it possible for me to attend more thoroughly to the manifold duties that are essential. In Ted Caple, new to the Federation Congresses for the first time. I can fairly say he was the outstanding success of the team. He remained calm at all times and quickly received the respect of the players. His greatest achievement was his handling of the chess clocks loaned by the various clubs and players, which he so managed that he was able to return any clock in a matter of seconds to its owner at the conclusion of play.

The Congress must surely go down as a happy and successful one, and incidents were few, and then only of a minor order. I must express the thanks of my team for the tolerance of the competitors in accepting our rulings at all times. The 30-move rule proved to be less of a problem than we anticipated and here again the players accepted the standards we laid down without quibbling. We felt that in the Junior Sections at least it did much to improve their games and it certainly tended to us having more adjournments than expected. Only one instance to our knowledge occurred of players attempting to circumvent this rule—they produced a replica of a game played in 1872!! This was detected and when their attention was drawn to it promptly admitted and so they were the only two to get a game declared as lost to both of them. We do not think they will attempt this in future under any circumstances.

The new rules adopted for the Swiss Tournaments proved a big advance on those previously used, but certain odd situations arose that will need to have them even more amplified and clarified. These we hope to put before the appropriate Committee in the near future. The use of Grading figures for the later rounds in the British Championship put quite a strain on our resources, Andrew Smith made several thousand separate calculations and only because the whole Congress ran well could we guarantee to get the pairings for each of these rounds out in time.

The playing of some of the games on the Sunday proved to be successful. We had only two players who demurred at all and it was arranged for them to receive special consideration. The Juniors definitely appreciated the cutting down of the double-round days and the Control Team also felt they benefited by the new arrangement.

The innovation of single week tournaments also proved good, and in addition to making it possible for those to play who cannot arrange to be there the whole fortnight, it also gives possible scope for late comers to get in one or both of these week’s events.

Two meetings for Juniors were held during the Congress and were well attended. Mr. R. G. Wade, during his short stay, managed to entertain by giving a simultaneous display, but unfortunately no one thought of a Lightning Tournament in time for it to be organized.

After the first three days it was found possible to have the three demonstration boards in use and to those juniors who manned them go our thanks. This service was much liked by the spectators and also helped to stop the congestion round the vital boards.

To those who loaned clocks also are due the thanks of all of us. To Mr. Peter Morrish who transported upwards of 140 sets and boards and 60 clocks from London, and later returned to repack them and take them back, very many thanks. To Mr. C. G. Hilton, who came along and did some Control work and to those too innumerable to mention who assisted in work of the Congress go our grateful thanks also.

No Congress can hope to survive without those who contribute to the financial side—their gifts whether large or small are duly noted and appreciated.

Some small difficulty was caused by the omission in the programme of a stated time for renewal of unfinished games in the mornings and we suggest that this be remedied next time. There was also a point raised by the change of rule regarding the Under-21 Championship in the event of a tie for top place, as nothing was stated regarding the other junior events. By and large this Programme was one of the best ever produced for our Congresses.

Mr. R. Simpson, President of the Northern Chess Union, took the Chair at the Closing Ceremony. He called upon the Marquis of Normanby to speak first, which he did in a bright and breezy manner, thanking the Whitby U.D.C., the officials of the local Chess Club, and the Northern Chess Union, whose combined efforts had done so much to make this Congress possible. Coun. H. B. Cummings replied on behalf of the U.D.C. and expressed the hope that it would soon be agreed to hold another B.C.F. Congress in the town when he assured the meeting his Council would be delighted to again do everything in its power to assist. Mr. T. J. Beach spoke on behalf of the players, making the suggestion that it would be helpful to lay on some form of transport for those players staying some distance away from the Congress Rooms and also suggesting that if Catering arrangements could be made to cover the evening adjournments sessions this would be of immense help to both players and officials. To those who had undertaken the catering service he paid a warm tribute. He complimented the work of the Chess Press and went on to praise the work put in by -the two Press Association representatives who had sent out every result in each Championship group daily, often working very late hours. He gave thanks to the work of the Controllers remarking they had kept their problems from the players but he knew of the great amount of labour they had had to do the whole time. Mr. Andrew Smith responded and thanked Mr. Beach for his kind remarks, and he in turn moved a vote of thanks to Dr. F. B. Akeroyd for his tremendous work as local secretary. He also thanked the Headmaster and Governors of the School for the use of such excellent premises, and paid a tribute to the work of the Recorders, Stewards and the players. Following this, Miss Dinah Dobson presented a box of chocolates to the Marchioness of Normanby who then presented the trophies and prizes.

Thus ended yet another memorable Congress.

G. H. SIMMONS. September 1st, 1964.

CHESS, Vol.30, No.467, September 1964, ppn 3-5

The British Championship in brief

For the B.C.F.’s annual congress, held at Whitby for the second time in three years, entries exceeded 350—a record. One-week events on the pattern of our Festivals were superimposed on the usual range of championships and the Major Open.

Would Jonathan Penrose equal the record of seven successive British Championships (1905-1911)? In the very first round he went down to H. D. Holmes of Glasgow. Holmes’s attire (confined to shirt, shorts and pumps at the least hint of sunshine) makes him look young for his 24 years. He is a fine player but calm analysis of the game, which he could have won more quickly than he did, confirms that Penrose was below form.

Penrose’s slow fade-out

Penrose next beat young G. Chesters, a newcomer who could hardly have been expected to be honoured with this opponent as reward for a first round loss to N. Littlewood. In round three Penrose drew with G. Abrahams, in round four he beat A. R. B. Thomas. A draw with J. Ansell surprised; a win over M. Firth reassured. A further draw with H. Golombek, saved from a desperate position, jeopardised his chances: he now stood equal fourth with five others. The last four rounds brought four more draws, of which the first two, with Cafferty and Hindle, put him out of the running.

He finally registered a fair score, 6½, of which most players would be proud. If he seemed to be on the defensive almost throughout, he displayed end-game skill of the highest order in saving game after game.

What has taken the edge off his play?

The answer obviously lies in the fact that, after spending so many years as a student, he has taken up a job. He furnishes one more convincing explanation of the superiority of chess in communist lands: until chess is recognised, on a national scale, as a career in itself, instead of a rather unimportant game, we shall never produce world champions. We are not stating a case, only a fact. We cannot have it both ways. As long as the Russians continue to esteem chess more highly, they will beat us at it.

Up to round four, it was Norman Littlewood who seized the chance presented by Penrose’s lapse. He beat Chesters and Holmes then (with black each time) Golombek and Clarke. Then came round five!

It has often been said that nobody ever wins a chess tournament without having a certain amount of luck. Michael Haygarth played some lovely chess but he would be the last to deny that he was set on the high road to success in round five—at the crucial half-way stage—by one of the biggest stokes of luck he has had, or will have in his life.

The round started with N. Littlewood 4; Haygarth, Golombek, Ansell and Scholes 3. Norman Littlewood, white at last, faced Haygarth.

Here the game was adjourned. White has a passed queen’s pawn; a potential passed QRP whenever he cares to play P—QR4, the securer king’s position and more active pieces. Both players probably felt that White had distinct winning chances.

Inspired by stroke of luck

This fantastic stroke of luck set Haygarth on fire.

In the next round Haygarth met Golombek. After 24 moves or so, both players wanted to call it a draw but the controller told them to play on to the 30 moves stipulated by the new rule as the minimum. Haygarth almost immediately won a pawn and this pawn won him the game.

Out of Norman Littlewood’s next five games, he scored only 2 points. Even chess players are human.

The Juniors at Whitby

by Richard A Beach

The B.C.F. Annual Congress was again well patronised by junior players, and there was a record entry of 191 for the 5 junior Championships, of whom seven failed to complete their games—five apparently without very good reason.

The Girls’ Championship, with only six entrants, was decided by an all-play-all tournament held in the second week, and the other Championships by “Swiss” tournaments of 11, 12 or 13 rounds, each lasting the full two weeks.

Illegal sealed move decides!

In the Girls’ Championship, Catherine Clarke, Marcia Syme and Dorothy Vincent all came from Wallasey High School. 50% from the same school must surely be a record! As expected, Dinah Dobson and Marcia Syme, two of last year’s joint champions, both started well. Dinah won her first 4 games convincingly and Marcia only conceded a draw against Dorothy Vincent in a rook and pawn ending in which she had winning chances with the extra pawn. Meeting in the final round, Marcia reached the adjournment with an extra pawn, but on resumption it was found that she had sealed an illegal move, thus forfeiting the game, and leaving Dinah as champion with a 100% score.

Under-fourteens’ even standard

The standard of play among the leading players in the Under-14 Championship (32 entrants) was very even, and at the end only 1 point covered the first six players. Gluckman was the early leader, but lost to Myant in the 7th round. Later Gluckman re-established his lead, and at the start of the last round had a full point more than Dann, Myant and Walker. Surprisingly, he then lost his last game to Hutchinson, while Myant won quickly, and neither Dann nor Walker could do more than draw, so that Gluckman and Myant shared the Championship. In this tournament, as in the Under-18 Championship, the styles of the joint champions differed considerably, for whilst Gluckman played unusual openings and attacked strongly, Myant saved several critical games by careful defence. Of the others, Horton played a number of impressive games.

In the Under-16 Championship (49 entrants) Tate started with no less than seven successive wins and, with a 1½ pt. lead, looked a certain winner. After losing to Holmes and Scott in the next two rounds, however, he was joined in the lead by Scott and M. Smith, then, just in time, regained winning form to score two wins and a draw in the last three rounds to finish half a point ahead of M. Smith. These two and Holmes, who was never far behind the leaders, and finished joint third, all played good attacking chess.

Seventy-two Under-eighteen Entrants!

The number of entries over 14 continues to increase steadily. In particular, this is posing problems for the Under-18 Championship, which this year attracted 72 entrants. A meeting of junior players at the start of the Whitby fortnight was invited to consider various alternatives for the future running of this championship, and came down firmly in favour of a single tournament, with additional rounds if numbers made such advisable. This year there were 13 rounds, two being played on the first Tuesday, with one on each of the other days, including the middle Sunday.

Under-sixteens dominate Under-I8’s

The tournament was dominated by Denman, Keene and Almond, of whom the first two were both eligible to play in the Under-16 Championship, but elected to play in this tournament instead. Their styles are markedly different. Keene played several imaginative games; Almond gave rein to his endgame prowess; and Denman’s style is somewhere between.

Keene and Denman took the lead jointly in the seventh round when Keene defeated Strauss, the previous leader, and they held the lead singly or jointly (in one round jointly with Almond) for the remainder of the tournament. Keene held a half point lead over Denman at the start of the last round, but was content to draw with Rastall, and this enabled Denman to tie with a last-round victory over Patience. Patterson, last year’s Under-16 Champion, also played well to finish fourth.

This year’s British Junior Championship (under-21) was strengthened by the entry of Hartston, Whiteley and Woodcock, all of whom were eligible for the Under-18 Championship, but who opted to play against more experienced opposition with a chance of qualifying, as winner, for next year’s British Championship. They fully justified their decisions, for all three finished in the prize-list! There was a total entry of 32.

Stevenson’s collapse

The best chess of the tournament was played in the first week by Stevenson, but after starting with a draw and 6 successive wins he tired, and could only manage a further half a point in the last four rounds. This brought Woodcock, who had led for he first 4 rounds prior to his solitary loss (against Stevenson) into a half point lead, which he held for the last three rounds. A run of 6½ points in the last 7 rounds brought me into second place. Woodcock, who defeated me in the third round, played consistently sound chess throughout the tournament and is a worthy champion.

Here are the full results of the junior tournaments, followed by a selection of games from them. The games selected are intended to show some of the most entertaining chess played by leading players, but may not necessarily be in the running for the Best Game Prizes which remain sub judice.

File Updated

Date Notes
20 June 2019 First upload with 40 complete Championship games, plus 5 part-games, from a possible 176, plus 18 games from the subsidiary events. Complete crosstables and results.
23 July 2019 One game added from the British Under-16 Championship: Tate 1-0 Buckler. Thanks to Alan Smith for sending the score.
12 May 2020 One game added from the British Under-18 - Eley 0-1 Nicholas (rd 3). Many thanks to Brian Denman.
3 January 2022 Updated the results, removing scanned crosstables and replacing them with standard tables, etc.
11 November 2022 Added one game: J.Seppings 1-0 G.Chesters (Rd 10, British), contributed by Graham Chesters via Gerard Killoran (English Chess Forum, 11 November 2022; see also here). Many thanks to Graham and Gerard.
15 November 2022 Added eight games, the remaining games played by Graham Chesters, submitted by Graham to Gerard Killoran who published them on the English Chess Forum, 15 November 2022. Thanks again to Graham and Gerard.
6 December 2022 Added four games: (1) D.Benjamin 0-1 M.N.Walsh (U18, rd 1); (2) C.Foster 0-1 R.Eales (U14, rd 1); (3) T.Gluckman 1-0 R.Eales (U14, rd 3); (4) D.Ouseley 0-1 R.Eales (U14, rd 7). Contributed by Gerard Killoran via the English Chess Forum, for which many thanks.
30 December 2022 Added a part-game, W.Hartston ½-½ C.Woodcock (U21, rd 7).
30 December 2022 Added the game A.Whiteley 0-1 M.Stevenson (U21, rd 4).
30 December 2022 Brian Denman has kindly sent me all 13 of his games played in the 1964 British Under-18 Championship, of which he shared the title with Ray Keene, both scoring 10½/13. Many thanks, Brian.
29 December 2023 Added the game S.Scott 0-1 T.Harding (Under 16). Many thanks to Tim Harding for supplying the score.